2019年最健康国家排行:西班牙排第一,中国名次有待提升! |
      各位吃货们,再给大家一个享用西班牙美食的理由:在最新发布的健康国家排行中,西班牙位居第一。研究显示,这与其地中海饮食有关。中国排在52位,比之前上升了3个位次。              the menu of shanghai's hakkasan restaurant boasts a strong chinese identity and a reverence for local ingredients. photos provided to china daily       maybe it’s something in the gazpacho or paella, as spain just surpassed italy to become the world’s healthiest country.       也许是西班牙冷汤或什锦饭中的某种东西起了作用,西班牙刚刚超过意大利,成为了世界上健康状况最好的国家。       gazpacho [gəs'pætʃəʊ]:n.西班牙凉菜汤       paella [paɪ'elə]:n.西班牙肉菜饭              that’s according to the 2019 edition of the bloomberg healthiest country index, which ranks 169 economies according to factors that contribute to overall health. spain placed sixth in the previous gauge, published in 2017.       这个结论来自于2019年彭博社的最健康国家指数排行榜。该指数根据与整体健康状况相关的多种因素,对169个经济体进行了排名。在2017年发布的指数排行榜中,西班牙位列第六。       four additional european nations were among the top 10 in 2019: iceland (third place), switzerland (fifth), sweden (sixth) and norway (ninth). japan was the healthiest asian nation, jumping three places from the 2017 survey into fourth and replacing singapore, which dropped to eighth. australia and israel rounded out the top 10 at seventh and 10th place.       2019年,还有其他4个欧洲国家位列前10:冰岛(第3位)、瑞士(第5位)、瑞典(第6位)和挪威(第9位)。日本是亚洲最健康的国家,比2017年提升了3个位次,取代新加坡成为第4名,而后者则跌到了第8位。澳大利亚和以色列分别排在第7位和第10位。                     全球最健康国家       the index grades nations based on variables including life expectancy while imposing penalties on risks such as tobacco use and obesity. it also takes into consideration environmental factors including access to clean water and sanitation.       排行榜根据预期寿命等变量对国家进行打分,同时根据烟草使用和肥胖等因素扣分。排行同时还考虑了环境等其他因素,包括清洁水和卫生状况等。       spain has the highest life expectancy at birth among european union nations, and trails only japan and switzerland globally, united nations data show. spain by 2040 is forecast to have the highest lifespan, at almost 86 years, followed by japan, singapore and switzerland, according to the university of washington’s institute for health metrics and evaluation.       联合国数据显示,在欧盟国家中,西班牙的出生时预期寿命最长,在全球仅次于日本和瑞士。据华盛顿大学卫生统计评估研究所研究,预计到2040年,西班牙将成为全球寿命最长的国家——接近86岁。日本、新加坡和瑞士排在其后。       "primary care is essentially provided by public providers, specialized family doctors and staff nurses, who provide preventive services to children, women and elderly patients, and acute and chronic care," according to the european observatory on health systems and policies 2018 review of spain, noting a decline the past decade in cardiovascular diseases and deaths from cancer.       根据《欧洲健康体系和政策观察》2018年对西班牙的评价,“基层医疗主要由政府部门、专门的家庭医生和护理人员提供,他们为儿童、妇女、老年患者提供服务,治疗各种急慢性病症”。该评价指出,在过去10年间,西班牙的心血管疾病及癌症死亡率出现下降。                     饮食习惯       researchers say eating habits may provide clues to health levels enjoyed by spain and italy, as a “mediterranean diet, supplemented with extra-virgin olive oil or nuts, had a lower rate of major cardiovascular events than those assigned to a reduced-fat diet,” according to a study led by the university of navarra medical school.       西班牙纳瓦拉医学院的研究显示,关于西班牙和意大利的健康指数“居高不下”的原因,他们的饮食习惯或许提供了一些线索。因为“比起低脂饮食,配有初榨橄榄油和坚果作为补充的地中海饮食导致重大心血管疾病的几率较低”。       meanwhile in north america, canada’s 16th-place ranking far surpassed the us and mexico, both of which dropped slightly to 35th and 53rd. life expectancy in the us has been trending lower due to deaths from drug overdoses and suicides.       在北美洲,加拿大排在第16位,远远超过了美国和墨西哥。后两者的位次略微下跌,分别排在第35位和第53位。因为过量用药和自杀导致的死亡,美国的预期寿命一直较低。       cuba placed five spots above the us, making it the only nation not classified as "high income" by the world bank to be ranked that high. one reason for the island nation’s success may be its emphasis on preventative care over the us focus on diagnosing and treating illness, the american bar association health law section said in a report last year.       古巴比美国靠前5个位次,这使得它成为唯一一个未被世界银行归为“高收入”、排名却如此靠前的国家。美国律师协会健康法部门去年表示,比起美国对诊断和治疗疾病的重视,古巴更重视防止保健,这或许是其排名靠前的原因之一。       south korea improved seven spots to 17th while china, home to 1.3 billion people, rose three places to 52nd. life expectancy in china is on track to surpass the us by 2040, according to the institute for health metrics and evaluation.       韩国排在第17位,比之前上升了7位。而拥有13亿人口的中国排在52位,比之前上升3位。卫生统计评估研究所称,中国的预期寿命将在2040年前超过美国。       sub-saharan economies accounted for 27 of the 30 unhealthiest nations in the ranking. haiti, afghanistan and yemen were the others. mauritius was the healthiest in sub-sahara, placing 74th globally as it had the lowest death rate by communicable diseases in a region still marred by infectious mortality.       在最不健康的30个经济体中,有27个来自撒哈拉以南非洲。其余三个分别是海地、阿富汗和也门。毛里求斯是撒哈拉以南非洲最健康的国家,在全球排名第74位。在传染病盛行的撒哈拉以南非洲地区,毛里求斯的传染病致死率最低。
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