30% off很多人认为是打三折?到了买单的时候你就傻了! |
      逛商场的时候,常常会看到衣服架子上会贴一个红色牌子,上面写着:xx% off来表示打折。那么,30% off就是打三折吗?想得美!30% off是指打七折!       为了大家的钱包着想,今天就来说一说关于打折砍价的相关表达,出国可以尽情买买买!       a saleswoman arranges imported snacks at a duty-free store in qingdao, shandong province. [photo/xinhua]              10% discount打9折              20% discount打8折              30% discount打7折              30% discount off = 30% off                            打折一般可以用sale,bargain,haggle来表达。              buy one get one free买一送一              换货-exchange              when we want to exchange the goods for another size or another color we call that exchange.              当你想要换衣服的尺寸和颜色的时候。              退款-refund              when we want to return the clothes or the good back and we want the money back we call it refund.              当你不想要你买的衣服或其他的东西,想要退回的时候。                            言归正传,那么大家怎么分辨是全场打折还是部分打折呢?              ▼              举个例子:全场商品七折是30% off for all products              假如没有强调all products,那你最好去询问一下导购:              is there any discount on this...?                            假如在可以讲价的场合,导购说没有,不打折的话,你可以继续说:              ▼              it's over my budget.              这超出我的预算了。              can you give me a better deal?              你还可以再便宜一点吗?              that's a bit out of my price range.              有点超出我可以接受的价格范围了。                            假如对方还是无动于衷,那么你得这样说:              ▼              what‘s your final offer?              你最便宜给什么价钱?              my final offer is 10 dollars.              我能接受的最高价是10美元。                            以预定酒店为例,大家来看一下如何询问折扣。              a: hello, sir. have you reserved already?              您好,先生。您预订房间了吗?              b: not yet, is there a single room available?              没有。还有空的单人间吗?              a: yes, how long will you intend to stay?              有,您打算住多久?              b: for a week or so. do you give discount for a week or more?              大概一个星期吧。你们对住一个星期或者更久的顾客打折吗?              a: yes, we give 5% discount for a week and 12% discount for two weeks.              有折扣。对住一个星期的顾客大家打95折,两个星期的打88折。              b: all right. i'll take a room for a week. here's my passport.              好的,我在这里住一个星期。这是我的护照。                            除了这种平时折扣,还有一种形式就是使用领取的商家优惠券,英文表达是coupon,是用以享受某种特价或优惠的“折价券”,"折扣券"。              to take advantage of our special offer, simply fill in the coupon and send it to us.              要得到大家的优惠,只要填写这份优惠表格并把它寄回给大家。              i have a coupon for dv.              我有一张dv优惠券。              i have yet to cash in my 20% coupon but i will.              我还没使用我那20%的优惠券,不过我会的。              i want to coupon. please sent to me.              我要优惠券,请发送给我。                            a: mary, the necklace will cost me over $10,000! there's no way i'm buying it now!              玛丽,这项链要10000多美金,现在坚决不能买!              b: me neither, but this coupon gives us a 50% discount off.              我也不会,不过用优惠券可以打5折。              最后,祝大家买买买时都能砍价顺利!       
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